Friday, June 1, 2012

Suction, moment #8

I was in ninth grade.  My brother had one of those poppers.  You know, the ones you turn inside out, set down, and they fly up in the air.  I decided that would be a great thing to suction to my face.  No, not my cheek, chin, or even close to my neck.  Right smack in the middle of my forehead.  I left it there for about 15 minutes before my dad finally said that I should take it off.  I did, and my family burst out laughing.  I had a giant bruise on my forehead.  It was not small.  I didn't have bangs at the time, so I was uncertain as to how to cover it up.  The next day at school, after a ton of makeup that did absolutely nothing to cover up this bruise, I was presented with an award for achievement in social studies.  They insisted on taking my picture to post in the cafeteria.  Everyone could see it.  Everyone could tell that I had tried to cover up this huge bruise on my forehead.  The picture was up for four weeks.  I was deemed the "hickey girl", even though one should not get a hickey on their forehead.  Fortunately, no one could tell who I was after a week of having the picture up thanks to a new haircut and the bruise fading.  To this day, I can't look at one of those poppers without remembering my first hickey.

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