Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Number seven- I flash my patients

Sorry it has taken so long to get back on here.  It has been a strange week. I will update sooner over the course of the coming week.
So... I have worked in the medical field for about ten years now.  Eleven, if you count medical insurance.  My best and most enjoyable time was as a medical assistant.  Although, it does come with it's embarrassing situations.  For some reason, my scrub bottoms do not want to stay up.  I think it might be because the underwear that I wear is a spandex material combined with the fact that I lack a "shelf butt".  My backside is flat.  Andrew calls it a "back and a crack".  I was sitting at my desk one day and had to go to the bathroom.  I jumped up because I had waited far too long and noticed that something felt a little off.  My pants were down past my butt and almost to my mid thigh.  The security camera caught the whole thing.  These cameras were new and the managers liked to play with them.  One of the MA's that worked in the back with me went and told them I lost my pants and everyone in office was able to see it.  Two weeks later, I was checking in a patient.  After I had finished, I asked her if she had any questions, she said yes and calmly asked, " Why are your pants down to your knees?"  I looked down horrified and realized, that yes, there they were.  They had crept down when I stood up.  Why didn't I notice you ask?  Because I wear "Mormon underwear".  It is hard to tell when your shirt is up, your pants are down (unless they are at you ankles), or if anything is showing.  After leaving that office, I thought my days of flashing patients was over.  Little did I know that I would be taking blood pressures for patients again.  We were going to have a meeting with the big boss, so I decided to wear a skirt to impress her instead of my normal dress pants.  I was going to take a blood pressure on a gentleman (and I use that term loosely), and my stethoscope got caught on my skirt.  It brought the bottom of my skirt up and my underwear showing to the patient.  I grabbed it quickly, but not quickly enough as the patient declared, "Whoop, there goes my blood pressure!"  The doctor I work for has still not let me live that down! 
I am a professional who flashes her patients unintentionally.  There should be a support group for people like me. 

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