Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Moment #9

I am continuing my entertainment my number 9 embarrassing moment.  When I was 13, I was invited to a birthday party at Raging Waters.  Being the genius that I was, I wore a tank top over my swimsuit so that  I wouldn't get burned.  UMMMM... a tank top.  Not the best coverage.  Should have used sunscreen.  I turned into a lobster progressively throughout the day due to a lack of sunscreen.  But, that isn't the embarrassing part.  At Raging Waters, they have a "rollar coaster" waterslide.  This waterslide shoots you straight down, up, and then down again.  Not being a small girl, I was worried that I may not come back down because the momentum from my weight would propel me over the hump and off the slide completely.  Even that isn't the embarrassing part.  As my friends and I waited our turns, we all took notice that people who got to the bottom would grab their swimsuits at the butt and yank out the biggest wedgies ever.  I told my friends that no matter what happened, I would not be picking a wedgie in public.  I didn't care if it was common amonst swimmers or not, I wasn't going to do it.  I was the last person in my group to go down this waterslide.  I watched each of my friends get to the bottom of the slide and grab their suits out of their butts. I sat down at the top of the slide, the lifeguard (who was a very cute teenage boy) told me that I could go, but I needed to go down this slide on my back and keep my head up.  I crossed my arms over my chest and off I went.  Flying down this slide, soaring through the air over the hump, then smacking back down again.  It was Awesome!!!!  Near the end of the slide was the straight, meant to slow you down.  And it did.  In the process I felt my swimsuit creep into my butt crack and keep going.  Honestly, how far up my butt could it go?  I found out.  When I came to the end of the slide, all my friends stood anxiously awaiting the wedgie pick.  Instead, I opted to just walk away with my suit in my crack because I am stubborn and no matter how painful this was, I wasn't going about to go back on my word.  As we walked away, the lifeguard that waits at the bottom of the slide (another cute teenage boy) came up and told me to fix my suit because everyone could see my butt.  OH THE HORROR!!!!  All my friends burst out laughing, my face would have turned red from embarrassment if it wasn't already red from my sunburn, I fixed my suit and sighed with relief to finally have the fabric out of my crack.  To this day, no matter who is looking, I AM NOT ASHAMED TO PICK MY WEDGIE AT THE POOL! (or anywhere else for that matter. I am my mother's daughter. hee hee)


  1. I've never been ashamed to pick a wedgie. Maybe that's my problem. :)

    And I've never done that slide! No freakin' way! Because I would be the one to fly off the whole thing and end up in a crumpled heap on the cement next to the slide.

  2. LOL oh my gosh! funny! and yes always, always, pick that wedgie!
