Thursday, June 14, 2012

Number 6- Oh my gosh! I wet myself in public

When I was thirteen years old I went to my first Haunted House.  It was the Haunted Woods at Wheeler Farm.  I was so nervous.  It was late October, still jacket weather, and very very dark.  I was in a group of girls from the ward ranging from 13-17.  We didn't have any adults with us because there were girls with us old enough to drive, and we lived pretty close to Wheeler Farm.  Standing in line I grew more and more nervous and terrified.  It was while standing in line that I heard a sound that almost made me stay in the car while the others went in.  The sound of a chainsaw.  Oh my gosh!  I was so scared.  I ran to the bathroom, emptied my bladder, and then got back in line.  After we had paid, we had to wait in another line to actually get into the woods.  We waited in that line for a much shorter time, and although I felt like I may have to pee again, I figured I would be able to hold it as we walked through the dark, terror infested woods.  How wrong I was.....  As we entered the woods, clutching each other and whimpering with fear that could only grip a group of teenage girls in over their heads, I started to get more and more worried about actually getting the pee scared out of me.  The first 15 minutes were entertaining.  Just a few people jumping out from behind trees and screaming at us.  We all started to relax and giggle when we would jump and scream.  Then we came to a bridge.  A wooden bridge wide enough for only two of us to cross clinging to each other.  It was what awaited us on the other side of the bridge that made me lose ALL control.  A man jumped out from behind a large bush swinging a chainsaw above his head as myself and one other girl were about half way across the bridge.  As soon as he started that thing up I lost control of my bodily functions and urinated all down my leg.  I tried to hide it by running and screaming like a banshee past the chainsaw man and no one noticed.  We continued through the woods and my thighs began to become chafed because I had lost my bladder. We came to a train track and a tunnel.  They wanted us to walk through the tunnel!  I said I was going to go around, I was too scared to go through.  Right as I said that another sound caused me to become even more terrified.  The chainsaw man was back!  One of the girls I was with tripped on the train track and fell, I tripped on her and landed on top of her peeing the entire time.  I tried to get off of her so that she wouldn't know that I had peed on her.  To this day, she hasn't said anything.  We ran through the tunnel and out to the safety of the parking lot.  It wasn't until we got to McDonald's did anyone say something about the stink of pee.  I didn't say anything, but I'm pretty sure that all the girls knew it was me because of the jacket tied around my waist.  If you were in that group of girls, and your name is Amanda, I'm sorry that I peed on you. 


  1. I blame Mom for our family not having control over our bladders.

  2. OH. HOLY. CRAP. I am dying right now. I actually think I just pee'd myself. I can't wait to tell her!!! This is flippin' hysterical!
