Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Embarrassing Moments

I am taking a page out of my sister's book, kind of, and have decided to cheer myself up.  I am going to be posting my top ten embarrassing moments on my blog.  I decided to do this to make myself laugh and hopefully everyone else.  Shouldn't be too hard considering that all the members of my family have been effected in some way by my compromising situations.  LOL.  So to start out.... here is number 10:

It's not an unjust assessment to say that the ladies in my family are accident prone.  On Mother's Day we have done tributes to our mother and ALL include some kind of fall.  Taking after my Mother, I am going to give details of a fall that happened to me recently when no one was around, but still was embarrassing.  I was walking to the bus stop.  It was March.  No snow, no rain, no fog.  But, it was pitch black because of the time of morning I was on my way there.  Still a little chilly.  But, not freezing.  I had my earphones in, jamming to my music when all of sudden I stepped on a patch of ice.  I don't know where it came from.  Random patch of ice in the darkness.  My feet flew up over my head like a cartoon character, everything flying in my arms and the only thing I could think of was not to let my husband's phone hit the ground and not to let my head smack the sidewalk.  So, I landed on my butt in the effort to keep my head off the pavement.  For the rest of the day I walked with a limp, had a strain in my neck, and a pain in my butt that wouldn't go away.  Even though no one was around, it was still embarrassing because all I can picture in my head is Bugs Bunny villains falling with their legs flying up over their heads.  I'm sure that is what I looked like.

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