Thursday, February 16, 2012

Resolutions, Goals, Aspirations, Dreams

All of these things mean something to someone.  Every year I make it a habit to make New Year's Resolutions.  And every year I promptly break them.  This year is no different.  It is no suprise to anyone that I have gained weight.  My weight has always been a challenge.  Ups and downs and back again.  It seems that when I reach a point in my life where I am sad about something, I tend to just eat and veg.  I don't DO anything.  I need to get out.  I need to exercise.  I need to eat better.  I need to stop drinking carbonation. I need, I need, I need.  But, do I WANT?  There in lies the problem.  I had an epiphany.  I WANT to feel better.  I WANT Andrew and I to be around for each other.  I WANT us to be able to go out and do things without our bodies hurting or aching.  The only thing that is a problem, is I WANT Diet Coke.  I want it everyday.  I love the taste.  I hate the headaches that come to me when I haven't had one.  It sucks.  This is dependancy.  I don't want it anymore.  So, today is the day that I actually start on one of my resolutions.  No carbonation.  Hopefully it works. 
The others that I have listed are not very personal, but they are necessary for me to accomplish my ultimate goal of feeling better and looking better.  I want to start exercising.  I want to pay my tithing more(not so good at this).  I want to stand up for myself instead of just taking all the blame for past events.  I want to improve my work situation (I have done a pretty good job of this one). 
My hope is that through all of this, I can be the Me I am meant to be.  I hope to accept the Me that I turn out to be.  I also want to bring Andrew along on this journey.  Today is a positive day.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Becki! I've noticed when I have goals that sometimes I try to change too many things all at once, and then I always fail because it's too much to handle. One or two things works best. You'll do great!
