Thursday, February 23, 2012

Just expressin myself

I am going to talk today about judgement.  This is a subject that I hate.  It is one that I just have a hard time with.  I can't stand it when people are judgemental.  I can't stand being judged by others. I don't like having my life experiences, past mistakes, and current beliefs be judged.  Who are you to say what I believe?  Who are you to say that I am not a faithful believer in my religion.  Who are you to question the strength of my testimony?  I don't need to have someone tell me that I haven't been the strongest in my beliefs, but it is trials that make us stronger.  No one is perfect.  But that doesn't make me any less of an example than others are. I don't appreciate being told that my faith is not as strong as others just because of my past.  Isn't it our faith that builds our testimonies, our character, and most of all our love for others?  I am a firm believer to give people a chance and to also forgive others for things that have been done.  But, the thing I have a hard time getting over is being judged because of the way I live.  Everyone is trying to be the best person that they can be.  To be told that we have not reached our full potential is a slap in the face.  I know I have not reached my potential, but I don't want to be reminded of that by others. 
I also don't like being judged on my financial situation.  I felt strongly to change jobs.  I felt that it would be best to be close to my home.  I felt like I was just working and driving.  There was no time for me to be at home with my family. Allbeit and small family, it is my family nonetheless.  We have struggled since that change, but things are getting back on track.  It is infuriating to think that people see this as a lapse in character. 
I have become a more patient person than I once was.  I am better at waiting for things.  I am better with children.  I am better with Izzy.  I am also better with Andrew.  He may think I'm not, but I really am. 
So, before you judge me and my family, think about what Christ would do.  Think about how He would feel about the way you talk about me.  And also think about how your judgements of me may effect the way I feel around you. 
Sorry for the downer today, but I got my feelings hurt.


  1. I totally agree with everything you said! But can I add one thing? :) If you have reached your full potential, what the crap do you have to work towards? I think its important to remember that the person who judges you is always unsatisfied with something in their life, they just don't like to think about it so they focus on someone else. Sounds to me like you made a pretty smart decision :) Keep calm and Faith on <3

  2. I love the above comment! You're doing great Becki! You are continually working toward improving yourself and making yourself better. That is EXACTLY what we are meant to be doing here. Nobody will ever reach perfection in this life. As long as you are on the right path Heavenly Father will be continuously pleased with you. He knows your heart, He knows how hard you try, and He know that despite those things you will occasionally mess up. That's why He sent the Savior. Your relationship with Him is nobody else's business. He knows what it is... you know what it is... and that's all that matters. I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt :( Hugs!
