Monday, February 13, 2012

Playing Dress Up

I have noticed that I like to put makeup on people.  I like to do their hair.  This is always something I have enjoyed doing.  Maybe there is something to be said for that.  I wish that I would have done schooling for it because it would have been something that I think I could have had a lot of fun with.  On Friday, we had a the girls over and I did their makeup so that they looked like fairy princesses.  Each one was a different color.  I posted pictures on my facebook page.  I was especially excited to put Bridget in gold.  She looked gorgeous.  It was a lot of fun. 
Andrew got my Valentine's gifts on Saturday because I have to work tomorrow.  I was very excited.  He got me chocolates, Breaking Dawn, and flowers.  He got me gerber daisies.  That shows that he was listening when I told him that those were my favorite flowers.  It was a good weekend.  I relaxed a lot yesterday. 
Love to everyone!

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