Wednesday, February 1, 2012

La La La La

I have realized that I get songs stuck in my head a lot.  Even when I am at work and there is music playing, I get songs stuck in my head that I can't seem to get to go away.  I was raised listening to music.  Whether it was MTV, the radio, records (yes, records), tapes, or my mom playing the piano; there was always something to listen to.  I will be forever grateful to the woman who put a song in my heart and a love for music into my life.  Music can change how you feel about any type of situation.  I am also grateful that she taught me to play the piano.  I can share the gifts that I have been given.  I play the piano in primary and I love it.  I'm not very good, but the kids appreciate the music.  Some weeks I have the opportunity to sit down 15 minutes before church and play the piano with some of the children.  They always love that.  I help them the same way my mother helped me.  It is so much fun.  I enjoy listening to different kinds of music.  I am always happy to hear a song that touches me.  I like to dance even though I am REALLY bad at it.  But, it is still fun to move to a beat.  I am happy that I always have a song in my head.  It may make me look crazy at times, but if you have a song in your head, you are never lonely.