Monday, January 30, 2012

All is far

I thought that I would update everyone on my meeting from Friday.  Since I built up all your expectations anyway.  It went really well as long as you were on my side of the meeting.  I realized that Cindy doesn't care too much for change and I realized the extent that she was willing to go to make sure that I made absolutely no advancement here.  It was good for me that I had others behind me.  The two of us talked to the boss and the doctor for about 45 minutes discussing changes.  Almost every single one was shot down by Cindy, but she was told that we would be doing it anyway.  Then, they excused me from the meeting.  They wanted to talk to her by themselves.  I knew what it was about, but that didn't make it any easier to sit outside the clinic and wait.  I was given the opportunity to leave before they all came out though, and that made for a nice weekend.  I am here by myself right now because I open and sit alone until 9:00.  It should make for another nice 20 minutes.  So, I have a lot of training, testing, and education to do (all of which will be reimbursed as long as I pass) to become certified as an optician.  I am excited to start this new chapter and also because I was told that it would mean a pay raise for me.  YAY!!! 
Love to everyone, especially my family who I do not see as much as I would like!  (that includes Andrew's family too because we can't drive anywhere to visit anyone)

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