Monday, January 23, 2012

Countdown to "Doomsday"

So today marks 4 days until my meeting with our HR rep, the Dr, and the "meanie".  I am so nervous about it.  Even though I have been told that everyone is on my side, I can't help but be worried that years of service may outweigh the things I have to say.  I don't want it to cause anymore contention than it already has.  Things are so tense around here it is ridiculous.  I am looking forward to the changes officially being put into place, but it is difficult to get everything done without her noticing that I am doing these things for the doctor.
I am also going to mention that I can't go all the way to Daybreak.  I don't have the car, money for gas, and I can't take the bus because there isn't one that runs late enough for me to come home.  They have started to give me more responsibility in the clinic though.  Apparently the guy in charge of all the satellite centers requested me because Jared and Dr. Gibbons had praised me so much.  I was so excited.  That means I get more hours.  I also get the chance to help others in the clinic and get recognized for that work.
On Saturday, I was sitting at home, watching past episodes of Survivor when the power went out.  It was completely dark.  I was so scared. I couldn't find a flashlight or a candle.  The only thing I had was a lighter which Izzy kept putting her nose in and burning herself. (sometimes, she is not so smart)  It made me think of how it must have been for the Nephites when they had their days of darkness.  I had a small lighter, but it wasn't enough to provide the type of light I needed.  They didn't even have that.  When I was trying to walk around the house I was tripping over Izzy and up the stairs.  It was scary to think about what could be lurking in the darkness.  I couldn't imagine being stuck in that kind of darkness for days at a time.  It made me grateful for the light when it came back on. 

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