Monday, January 9, 2012

Admiration for Courageous Acts

Today I want to write about admiration for people who do things that take courage.  I am speaking of one of my sisters in law who has taken it upon herself to let people and things go in an effort to make herself happier.  I am so impressed with this.  I have read her posts and felt the anger and frustration that she felt for those who had hurt her in some way or another.  The heartache that she felt about two of her friends is not unfamiliar to me.  As you all know I have been suffering from the ache that comes from being excluded and also for being ignored when I had my miscarriage.  I also feel the betrayel that comes from that.  It is hard to sit idely by and watch two people who you care about continue on without you as though you don't even matter.  I have contemplated how to deal with this and I agree with my sister in law that the only way to move on is to release them from your life.  To acknowledge that things will never be the same and to accept your part in all of it.  It is not unknown that I accept my part in all of my trials.  But, I guess I expected an apology when the person I wanted it from didn't know how to give it.  I don't think in the ten years that we were friends she ever said that she was sorry for anything.
So, I express my admiration and thanks to the one who has the courage to move on and let things go.  I am going to also try to make things better for me by moving on.  I am going to try and be happier and keep to my resolutions for the year.  I am going to stand up for myself.  I am going to make new friends.  And I am not going to allow others to effect the way I feel anymore.  Thank you for being brave and setting a positive example for me.

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