Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Holidays

After a full week away from the clinic, I am back today.  Things are ok. (minus a few malfunctioning computers)  We are so busy, we really don't need to talk to each other.  That is kinda nice. 
I wanted to post how wonderful the holidays were for me.  Andrew and I decided in October that we would only go to two parties this year.  We decided that those two parties would be his family get together on the the 24th, and my family get together on Christmas Day.  It was so nice.  We spent time with our closest family members.  We didn't feel obligated to go to anything else.  We had a great time with them and felt very blessed this season for the families that we have.  I was given the opportunity on Friday to wrap.  I started at 10:00 in the morning at my Mother-in-law's house, went to one of my sister-in-law's, and ended at another sister-in-law's at 10:00pm.  12 hours of wrapping! I was in heaven.  At 10:00pm, I hit my wall though.  I just couldn't do anymore.  It was fun though. 
Anyways...Happy Holidays everyone!

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