Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fears and "Droppings"

As many of you are aware, I have an enormous fear of birds.  It is a legitimate fear.  Though most of you have made fun of me for it, I hold true to the fact that they are evil creatures put on this earth to torture me.  Today is no different.  I thought I would share my latest "encounter" with this evil creation.  I went home for lunch and took Izzy out to potty.  As I was walking under a tree branch (seriously, our trees are like sticks right now), I felt something hit my head.  I thought that it was just a pile of melting snow.  Oh, how wrong I was.  I had been pooped on by a bird.  The satanic being was still in the tree as I gasped and looked up.  He took off and so did I.  I not only had been pooped on, but I had stuck my hand in it.  I had to shower on my lunch break and rush back to work.  I hate birds. :-(


  1. LOL love it! Remember when Dad's and I trip to San Diego and the bird pooped on Dad's shoulder just as he was trying to be romantic and say I Love You. LOL The best...I'm sure you cleaned up good!
