Monday, December 19, 2011


I have been having a very difficult time at work.  It's no secret that I am not happy with the job that I am doing.  That being said, I have discussed it with Andrew and we decided on Friday that the best thing for me would be to put in my notice and put our Faith in the Lord that I would be able to find something before my two weeks is up.  I received a phone call on Friday from the HR manager that they are not accepting my resignation.  I was dumbfounded.  I asked her what that meant because I didn't know.  She said that she would be coming out here sometime this week to see if we could come to a resolution with my Lead out here.  The reason that the decision was made for me to put in my two weeks is because Friday the Lead decided to spend the first fifteen minutes of my shift yelling at me.  And I do mean yelling.  She did this in an area where patients were and they overheard the entire thing.  Many of you know that I normally don't back down from a challenge, but this woman had me cowering in my seat.  I honestly didn't know how to respond to all of her criticisms.  After she was done, she left for lunch and a patient came in to see if I was ok.  Totally took me by suprise!  He stated that was one of the most brutal attacks he had heard in the workplace and was wondering if I was going to be ok. 
So, after careful consideration, I put in my weeks.  I am still planning on my last day being the 30th, but the rep still wants to meet with us.  I don't know if there is anything that they can say to make me change my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they like you so much they'd be willing to transfer Cindy! You could bring that up in your meeting, right? :) I hope this leads to positive changes for you!
