Thursday, November 10, 2011


So, I realized over the last week my main issue with my job.  I have a boss who watches over EVERYTHING I do.  I have always considered myself a hard worker and someone who understands which responsibilities are mine when I am assigned a job.  This person is the lead here, but things have to be done her way or she sends out emails listing everything that is being done incorrectly to me and the doctor that we work for.  I am still doing the things the DOCTOR has requested because that is who we are here to help.  I also have the responsibility of ordering contact lenses.  The system is pretty self explanatory and I feel I have a pretty good grasp of it.  But, anytime I try to do something she tells me that I have done it wrong.  Even if it is the way she told me to do it.  There is just no winning.  I feel like I am always doing something to make her mad.  I am not doing it intentionally, but I think that I am making so many mistakes because she is constantly over my shoulder.  She had some days off this week and I felt so much better about my position because I was able to do things at my own pace and get things done.  I am trying to work up the courage to say something because if I don't, I will have to start looking for something else because I do not feel good about myself here.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, that's the way insecure people feel when they have to micromanage. They are thinking "no one can do this better than me, and I'm not going to give them a chance." And when you are at a job with no history, it takes awhile for people to trust you,(the advantage of being there years and years). It's a humbling position to be in since you know your capabilities and they don't. Hang in there, things will eventually change!
