Monday, October 10, 2011

Little Miracles

So, I know that my last posts have been extra sad and depressing, but today I would like to express some feelings I have about miracles.  Andrew and I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a baptism on Saturday.  It was so spiritual and I love watching nieces and nephews go through this wonderful experience.  One of the miracles I wanted to talk about I held in my arms for the entire time.  He is so wonderful, cute, and fun to play with.  I love letting him sleep in my arms and although he isn't mine, I know what a miracle he is.  After the baptism we went over to the house for a BBQ.  I got to feed him and let him play.  I overheard his mother saying that she never worries about him when I am around.  I don't think she knows how much that means to me.  So, I will express that now.  I feel humbled and a great joy that she trusts me with her little miracle.  He is my buddy.  I hope he never grows out of that. 
The other thing I wanted to talk about is not necessarily a miracle, but a blessing.  I watched my husband participate in the ordination of the Holy Ghost.  I was so happy that he could go up there and be a part of that.  This is one of the blessings I am grateful for.  I have watched my husband go from the person whom I had to beg to pray to the one who participates in blessings, encourages our couples prayer, and pushes me to read our scriptures at night.  I am so blessed to have him in my life. 
Anyways....Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. I meant it when I said it. He is a miracle in our lives, and you are a miracle in his. Every child should be so lucky to have someone care for them so much. He will always be your buddy.
    P.S. Andrew is awesome! He has worked really hard and come such a long way. I am very proud of him. And you are a big part of why he's made it so far! See how you bless people's lives just by being a part of them? You are pretty awesome yourself!
