Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just an Update

Hello Everyone,
I don't really have a lot to write today.  Just wanted to update everyone on what is going on.  Andrew and I seem to be doing ok.  I am still pregnant as far as we know.  I had to move my appointment with the doctor to the 28th.  I won't know anything for sure until then.  Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.  Andrew's work schedule is more what he was told it would be.  I like to think that I may have had something to do with that since the girl in charge of that at his work I grew up with.  Not to mention, I used to beat her up in basketball, so I think she may still be a little afraid of me.  LOL!!!  I found out today that the HR rep for my office out here is moving to Florida.  I am a little worried about that because he is the one who really pushed for me to be here and wanted me to work in this clinic.  I am hoping it doesn't effect the extra hours I am supposed to be receiving.  We are still having financial problems, but we are working on them and I am putting my faith in the Lord that he knows what he is doing and we will be able to keep our house and be able to repair the damage that Izzy has caused.  Naughty puppy.  If anyone knows someone who can help us find carpet padding for cheap, let me know so that we can fix what she did to the upcoming nursery. 
Also, I am pushing for certain names with Andrew for our baby.  If it is a girl I want to name her Madison Bell or Tobie Lynn.  He doesn't like either of those names, someone should help me convince him that they are pretty.  For a boy, I LOVE the name Jensen.  He doesn't think our child should have two last names.  We'll see.  Anyways...enough of my rambling.  LOVE TO ALL!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just FYI, I had to live with the two last name thing. You would think people wouldn't have called me Terry but they did....a lot.
