Monday, September 12, 2011

Sadness and Loss

As many of you know, I have had a cat named Mikey for about eight years.  She was my friend when I was so lonely.  She was entertaining when Shellie and I were roommates.  She always chased Jenny and I around our apartment and would attack our legs.  She was such a good pet.  I love her so much.  When Andrew and I moved into the new house, we had her declawed in the front in an attempt to save our carpet.  I don't think she was happy about this.  She started peeing all over the carpet.  I think I would have rather had her claw it.  We tried everything that we could to get her to stop.  I thought that maybe she had an infection.  I gave her antibiotics after talking to a vet.  This didn't help either.  On Friday, I came home from work to find more damage to the room that Izzy had tore up.  The spots that we would not have to replace were covered in urine.  I started crying and made the decision that it was time to say goodbye to my friend.  When we took her to the shelter she looked so scared and confused.  I couldn't stop crying.  Andrew and I had been asked to watch Lisa's kids that afternoon as well.  It was a good distraction, but Sunday, we went to give Andrew's mom the rest of Mikey's things that she would not need.  Food, litter, etc.  Seeing Calico was hard because it made me miss Mikey so much.  I will miss her so much.  She was my only friend during a very lonely time in my life.  I know that most people don't understand why some people think of their pets as their children, but to those of us that can't or do not have children, that is what our pets are.  Our babies.  It was the hardest decision I have ever made.  To get rid of one of my babies.  I will always remember the time that I had with Mikey.  I will cherish the memories that I have with her. 

1 comment:

  1. :( I still can't believe you had to give her up. I know how much you loved her
