Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heading off on a new challenge

As many of you know, Andrew and I recently joined Weight Watchers.  We are in week three and I am hitting the point where hunger rears its ugly head and takes over my life.  All I can think about is food.  When I get to eat next.  What I am going to eat.  How do I make dinner for both me and Andrew?  How many points do I have left for the day?  When the only thing you think about is how many points are in certain types of foods, hunger is going to be there.  All the time.  On Tuesday, I ate double my points.  Justifying it with the fact that I still had my weekly points to fall back on.  Here it is Thursday, and I feel as though I have done very poorly this week.  I try to make up for it by walking to work, walking the dog, and going up and down the stairs at home more than I normally would.  But, I fear the damage has been done already.  I lost my first five pounds in two weeks, and I think that some of them may be coming back.  I want for Andrew and I to be healthy so bad.  I want for us to be able to play with Izzy and keep up with her (although that may never be possible, she has way too much energy at times), and I want to be able to walk up the stairs and not be out of breath.  Everyday I pray that I can stick to this program, that I can find the energy to take my dog for a walk, that I can get off the couch and DO things.  So, this is my new challenge....To change my life for the better and take Andrew with me. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a tough road. Don't let your setbacks push you off track. Accept them and move on. You can do it!
