Thursday, September 1, 2011

On My Own

Today I found out that I may be on my own completely tomorrow at the clinic.  The lady that I work with here has not been feeling well.  I would prefer it if she went home so that I don't get whatever it is that she has, but she is kind stubborn about the whole thing.  Anyways... She told me this morning that she is going to train me on some stuff so that she may be able to take tomorrow off.  I was so relieved about that.  She needs to get better and I need to be trusted with more responsibility.  The doctor that works here said that he doesn't feel that all my talents are being utilized.  I agree with him completely.  So, we are coming up with a plan to give me more responsibility.  YAY!!!  Now I won't have as much time to blog and surf the internet.  LOL!
I also wanted to make a note here to say how grateful I am to be able to spend time with my nieces and nephews.  It is so much fun to make them all hyper and give them back to their parents.  I also love being around kids and hearing the things that they have to say.  I never realized how much the things I say rub off on them.  I knew that they repeated things, but last time we babysat Lisa and Jarom's kids, sweet little Molly said something that I say all the time.  It was so funny.  She did something naughty and I said, "Hey Molly, you shouldn't do that.  It's not nice."  She came right back at me with attitude and said, "I'm not sorry."  Oh the look on my face was priceless, I'm sure, because I say that all the time when I do something that is ok for aunties but not for mommies or daddies.  I love it.  Hopefully I am the only person that she says that to.
Have a great day everyone!

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