Monday, August 29, 2011

some things just make you laugh

Today I came into work and was getting rooms ready for the day.  My coworker came in and started yelling about something that had been moved.  I hadn't even noticed that it had been moved.  She asked me if I had moved it, I said no.  Our HR rep came in and she asked him if he moved it, he said no.  She then demanded to see the security tapes to see if the cleaning people had moved it.  This case is by no means anything to get all huffy about and it looks better where it has been moved to.  While she was over getting the security tapes pulled up the doctor came in.  I asked him if he had been in over the weekend and was the one who moved the display.  He said yes and got very fearful when he realized that he may have upset my coworker.  I just laughed and told him not to worry.  He then said that he would leave it up to me to tell her.  I thanked him for the task (sarcastically) and went to tell her.  After I told her she said that she was going to have him make a list of things that are in areas that are not acceptable to him, even though nothing has been moved for five years.  I was still laughing because of how angry she was getting about this and she asked me why.  I told her that I thought that she might be overreacting just a little and she hasn't spoken to me for the rest of the day.  There are just some things that you have to laugh about.

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