Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Frustrations and exclamations

Today started out ok.  I had a wonderful, long weekend.  I was off Sat-noon today.  I came into work to be greeted with the statement, of "Hey we still want you to cover at the Redwood clinic, we just aren't going to pay your mileage for you to go anymore".  I have a feeling this all comes from the fact that I didn't go and cover at another clinic yesterday.  They called me at 8:15 and wanted me out to Midvale by 8:45.  Not going to happen.  I also had made plans for the day because I wasn't planning on working.  So, after being told that my mileage was no longer going to be paid, I was then told that on Tuesdays when I don't go to Redwood, I should not make plans that cannot be broken because they may need me to cover somewhere for the day.  I am not the kind of person who enjoys being walked all over, so I said that I would not do that.  If I had plans, I had plans.  It started out as a good day, but now it sucks!
On a more positive note, Andrew starts training on Monday!  I am so excited for him to be able to start working again.  Hopefully things will start to look up for us in the next little bit. 

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