Thursday, August 11, 2011

Yay! Finally!

I am happy to report that Andrew got a job!  I am so happy!  We are finally able to relax and stop worrying about all of that.  I can relax at my new job and start to do the things that I need to do.  I can't wait to have him start working.  The store doesn't open for another six weeks, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 
I spent the last two days working out at the Redwood clinic for the Eye center.  It was different, fast, and not the same as where I am at now.  I missed my desk.  I missed leg room.  And mostly I missed the fact that my butt actually fits on the chair I have at the Stansbury clinic.  There are times that I miss the go go of the other place, but I appreciate the relaxing atmosphere that this clinic offers.  I was feeling so burnt out at the OBGYN that I truly enjoy the time that I am having to think. 
Anyways....we are off to Bear Lake for the weekend with Andrew's family and Izzy.  So excited to finally take the puppy swimming in a real lake. 
Love to all!

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