Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Things that bother me

I just wanted to vent for a minute.  If you are going to be offended by what I write, that is fine.  I would appreciate a little understanding about what I write though and want everyone to remeber that a blog is just a blog.  A place to vent frustrations, annouce blessings, and just plain write what you are thinking.  So, with that being said.....
I find it very irritating when people treat their parents with disrespect.  When someone says to their mother to just deal with something, to get over something, to tell their mother that they will respect her when she respects them; it is just plain rude.  I'm sorry, but I was raised to talk to my mother politely.  I was raised to appreciate my mother for the sacrifices that she made for me.  I may not have shown it at the time, but I am so grateful for all that my mother did for me.  She taught me to be respectful and polite to others.  I may not do it all the time, but I know how.  I watch kids now and they are so mean to their mothers.  I cannot stand idely by and watch children, teenagers, and adults disrespect the person who gave birth to them.  It is not ok to think that your parents "owe you everything".  They do not owe you anything.  Everything that mothers do is out of love.  Mothers are the ones who take care of us when we cry, when we are hurt, when we ache.  They celebrate with us when we are happy. 
I have witnessed an ADULT talk to his mother like she owes him everything.  I cannot stand to see her walked all over anymore.  There was not a polite asking if it would be ok to stay longer than arranged.  Just a telling in front of a large group of people that she needs to "deal with it".  The better way to do this would have been to talk to her and his father in private, state that he is looking for a place, that it is taking longer that he thought, and ASK if it would be ok to stay longer than previously arranged.  I find it so infuriating that someone would lack the respect for their parents not to do this.  These are the people who took care of you.  Don't you owe them the courtesy to ask permission for things instead of tell them that they are going to deal with it whether they like it or not?  Try common courtesy instead of ignorence, it may surprise you how far it gets you.
This mother is the same mother who gave Andrew and I a place to stay while we worked on getting into our home.  I made sure that near the end of every month we were not a burden to her, made sure that there were things that I could do to help, and made sure that it was ok that we were still there.  I hope that she knows how grateful Andrew and I were for her generosity and love during that time. 
Sorry for the length today, but this has been eating at me.  My next post promises a more positive light.

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