Monday, August 1, 2011

Blessings Beyond Measure

Yesterday Andrew and I had a wonderful opportunity.  He was ordained and Elder by his dad.  What a wonderful blessing to have this priesthood in our home.  I am so excited!  We are also one step closer to our goal of being sealed.  It was so rewarding to be sitting in the room with our family and friends.  I have one regret with the whole experience.  My brother, sister, and Shellie were not there.  This was totally my fault.  I honestly thought that I had gotten a hold of everyone.  I felt so bad that my siblings felt that they were not invited.  I hope that they understand that this was not the case, and only the fact that my brain is fried from starting my new job. 
Anyways....I am so grateful to have this opportunity.  I am so in love with Andrew!  He is my best friend, my lover, and my backbone when things get tough.  I am so happy to be married to him and I know that we are trully blessed to be where we are. 
Love to all!!

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