Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Able to feel a little better

So, yesterday I went out to the other clinic.  In case many of you didn't know, on Tuesdays I am considered a float.  They can call me and send me out to another clinic if the need be.  So, yesterday it was planned for me to go to the Redwood clinic.  I got there and found out that the girl that is supposed to be at reception with me was not going to be there.  Leaving me in a strange land all by myself.  I was able to get my bearings.  Out at that clinic, there are quite a few older people.  They are very impatient and sometimes rude.  I was yelled at by five of them in the course of 20 minutes.  After about the third, I realized that there wasn't anything I could do about it except smile and them and tell them to sit down and the doctor would be with them shortly.  This proved to be effective because I didn't burst into tears like I wanted to. 
At about 3:30 I received a phone call from the doctor that I work for here in Stansbury.  He kindly asked me to not do my job so well at other clinics because one of the doctors at Redwood had called him and told him that he would like to keep me permanately.  HUH? Here I was thinking that I was doing the worst job possible, and by myself, was better than the TWO people that were normally there.  YAY!!  I do not feel so useless.  I reassured my doctor that I would not go anywhere because I am within walking distance of work here.  He said ok and stated that he appreciated all that I am doing for him.  Horray for compliments! 
Love to all, especially my Daddy, whose birthday party I had to miss because I can't afford the gas to go and see him!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that things are going so well. We missed seeing you on Dad's birthday but we will see you soon. Love ya.
