Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A New Beginning

The Lord works in mysterious ways.  I am grateful for those ways, but I wish it would be more obvious as to what we are to learn.  LOL.  As most of you know by now, I got the job at the Moran Eye clinic in Stansbury.  This job offers me to opportunity to walk to work, not be so burned out, save money on gas, and be able to have benefits for both Andrew and I.  I am grateful that I have been given this opportunity and pray that we will be able to make ends meet and that Andrew will find a job soon.  He has an interview tomorrow for a position at Macey's.  Please everyone pray that he gets it.  He is going crazy at home, not working or doing school anymore.  I think he may kill Izzy.  ;) 
Anyways..... Love to all.

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