Monday, June 27, 2011

How to find happiness in Sorrow

Since Andrew and I got married, we have had our fair share of sorrow.  But, in all of that I think that we have failed to see the joy.  I am going to point out our happy times now so that the Lord can see that I am, in fact, grateful for the things that we have been given. 
We were blessed to be able to take trips just the two of us and laugh and play like little kids.  We were blessed to get out of the duplex and work our way into our own home.  We were blessed with our puppy, Izzy, who turns one next month!  I have been blessed with a job that is able to pay our bills.  Our Bishop, who is a wonderful support.  We have been able to grow spiritually and be closer to the Lord, and in turn, closer to each other. 
Andrew asked me yesterday why it always seems that we get into little fights or have some type of argument on Sundays.  It always seems to happen.  I believe it is Satan working on us.  He does not want us to have a peaceful sabbath and will do whatever is necessary to take away the peace and comfort that church brings.  I will make an effort to change that for myself. 
Most of you know that I have been looking for, and interviewed for, a new job.  I pray that I am able to get something closer to home that will still pay the bills and be able to take care of our little family.  I pray that Andrew finds something soon so that he can feel that he is contributing more. 
Starting today, I am going to make an effort to better notice the "tender mercies" of the Lord in our lives.  I will try to serve others more without complaint.  I will make sure that Andrew knows how much I love him and want to be with him. 
Love to all, pray that I get a job closer to home! Thanks!

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