Monday, July 11, 2011

Last week at work

I am starting my last week at my job.  I have been here for almost nine years.  Crazy how much has happened and how much these people have seen me go through.  But, as it is in most cases, it is time to move on.  I am so grateful for the opporunities and the training that this job has provided me with.  I look forward to using the skills and talents in the future.  I am very much looking forward to my new job and the change that it will provide for me and Andrew.  I hope that he will get the job at Macey's so that our lives can be centralized around our home.  I trully believe it will make things calmer in our home when we work close to it. 
I wanted to let everyone that "played" on Saturday know how much fun I had.  Even though the wind did a number on all of us for our allergies, I love being around family and laughing and talking. 
Wish me luck as I start my last week, and Andrew luck at his SECOND interview this morning!!!

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