Sunday, June 19, 2011

Two words that are hard to say

In my life there are a lot of things I regret.  A lot of times that I have hurt people.  Quite a few times that I have been wrong.  But, in those times, I was always taught that saying "I'm sorry" is the first step of repentance and in turn forgiveness.  So, why is so hard to say these two little words?  I believe that as human beings with free agency, we are programmed to think that we are right.  That no matter what happens, someone else is always at fault.  Someone else has always offended us.  But, in turn, doesn't that make us offenders as well.  There was a time that I never thought about what I was saying when I said it.  Never considered someone else's feelings when I spoke.  I still do this on occasion when I am angry or upset about something.  But, I have realized that if you regret something immediately after saying it, you should apologize.  The steps of repentance are clear and laid out for us.  If you wrong someone, you say you are sorry, you repent to the Lord, and with Faith are able to heal and move on from the situation, hopefully never doing it again. Our Father in Heaven is loving, kind, and forgiving.  No matter what we have done He loves us.  He cares about us.  And we are not forgotten by Him.  I want to encourage everyone that if there is something that you have done, said, or regret; say the two words that are the hardest to say.  "I'M SORRY".  It is amazing the power these two words have.  They can heal the person you have wronged, and yourself.  More importantly, they bring us closer to our Father in Heaven and can make us better people.  Don't consider it damaging to your pride or your ego to say "I'm sorry", consider it a sign of strength and healing because holding onto the negative can never allow the positive to come into our lives.  
Love to all!

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