Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Spirit

I have felt the Spirit of Christ many times in my life, but I wanted to share a wonderful experience that happened last night.  Andrew and I met with the Bishop to discuss our journey to the temple.  It was more of a "check in" type of a visit.  As we sat there discussing things that we could do to make it harder for Satan to influence us, I was touched as Andrew stated that he didn't feel worthy to hold the priesthood because of a fight we had had.  It surprised me because we have had many fights in our short marriage, and been able to overcome them and move on.  I was shocked that this fight still plagued him.  The Bishop told him that he was pleased with the progress that he had made because it showed growth, humility, and a connection to the spirit that Andrew was concerned about this.  Needless to say, the wonderful man that I married will be receiving his Priesthood soon and we will be blessed to have that in our home.  I was also grateful to receive a blessing from our bishop to help with a meeting that I would be having later.  I know that because of this blessing, and only that, I was able to stay calm and receive the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  As Andrew and I discussed our meetings later that night, I was touched again when Andrew complimented me and thanked me for being humble is a situation that was difficult to be humble in.  I am so looking forward to being sealed to this man who has loved me through all sorts of things and has been patient and kind.  The blessings of the Lord are starting to become more prominant and I know that has to do with Andrew and I opening ourselves up to the promptings of the spirit.  I want everyone to know that I know that as we listen and follow the promptings our hearts we will be blessed for it.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh...that brought a tear to my eye. I love you guys! You are beyond awesome!
