Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Families are supposed to support one another, right?

My post today is going to be incredibly negative.  Just an FYI.  If you are not in the mood for my venting, stop reading now.......

My job has become very hectic over the last few weeks.  This week we are rolling out a new electronic medical records system.  I was informed that I am required to be here until 6:00 or 6:30.  I will miss my bus home.  With Andrew out of work again, we do not have the gas money for me to drive out to Salt Lake everyday.  We do not have the money for me to stay in a hotel.  We just don't have money.  I asked my mom if I could stay at her house for a few nights to make it through this week.  I would pack my own food.  Bring my own stuff.  I just needed a place to lay my head for the night.  In response to my request, my mom said that they would need to think about it and explore all of the options.  Ok.....did she not think that I had already done that?  The fact is that my mother is disappointed in me.  She always has been.  I don't think I have done a single thing to make her proud.  The fact that my mother is so proud of the rest of my siblings and makes a point of stating that fact all over facebook is totally hurtful.  I am tired.  I am hurt.  This is the nail in the coffin that has made my decision for me.  I thought that families were supposed to be there for each other.  I know that I am an adult.  But, sometimes, even when you are a grown up, things are out of your hands.  This is something that is out of my hands. 
This is not the first time that my family has turned their backs on me.  About ten years ago, they did the same thing.  Ignore me.  Pretend that I am not a part of the family.  Getting family photos taken without me.  Going on family vacations without me and adding insult to injury by asking me to take care of their pets. 
I have decided that I cannot count on family anymore.  Everyone knows that I have been on the outs with some of Andrew's family and now it is the same with my family.  Well, no more.  I will be my own person and try to build a firm foundation with Andrew.  I have always tried to be there for our families.  But, I am kinda tired.  Tired of being the person to mend fences to have them trampled.  Tired of being the one who always has to apologize only to have it thrown back in my face.  I am flat out done. Either accept me for the person that I am, the mistakes I have made, the changes I have made, and the apologies I have made to you or leave me alone.  I am one of the first ones to jump in when others need help and I have always accepted my family for who they are. 
To my immediate family:  I am not Jenny, Cassie, or Jonathan.  I am Becki.  I am different from my siblings.  You may not approve of the decisions I have made in my life, but I would have hoped that you would still love me and want to help me when things are icky.  I have not accomplished the things that my siblings have, but I am still your daughter.  I wish that you would remember that.

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