Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I just wanted to do a quick post to my Mom.  I wasn't able to be with her today because Andrew lost his job and we have to watch our money.  I want my Mom to know how much I admire her.  I have always admired how happy she is.  Growing up, she was always fun and did a lot of things with us kids.  She was a backbone and a support to all of us.  I want my mom to know that I appreciate that she was always there to make us feel better about ourselves.  My mom has always been an optimist.  I wish I could say the same about myself.  She is always positive and sunny.  With a song in her heart and dancing in her steps, my mom always had something fun for us kids to do.
So, on the one day a year that I should be with my mom and am not, Happy Mother's Day to the one lady in my life who is always happy and sees life as a party.  I wish I had your zest for life Mom.  You will always shine through as a great example of someone who I would like to become.

Love you Mom,

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