Saturday, June 11, 2011

Welcome to our family!

As I think about the last year of my life and the stuff that Andrew and I have done, I decided it would be best to start writing things down.  Andrew and I have had many ups and downs this year.  Buying a new house and car.  Living with in-laws, living in a place that was not in harmony with our relationship when we first got married.  Not to mention the ups and downs in the gospel.  I would love to say that our faith was strong, that we were able to overcome all our trials without bitterness, but I can't.  There was quite a while that I was bitter with the way things were handled with my ex, and unfortunately both Andrew and I suffered for that. 

I am happy to say that we are on the right track now.  Andrew is close to having the blessing of the priesthood, which means so am I, and we are planning on being sealed this August.  With August coming up quickly, Satan has been working hard on us.  Andrew's school isn't going as well as planned, financial status is not what we would like it to be (but whose is?), and my job isn't as great as it used to be. There has been a feud that has developed between myself and people who I really care about that has taken a tole on Andrew and I, but we have come to the decision that the people who matter are the ones who stand by us and help us.  I am grateful to those people. 

We have decided the only way to make things better for us is to focus on us and the gospel.  We are reading our scriptures together and praying together.  We are going to church and I am even blessed to have a calling that I enjoy so much!  I love playing the piano in primary and being around the kids.  It is so sweet to hear their voices singing praises to our Savior.  I am so grateful for the Atonement and the chance that we have to be forgiven of our sins.  I am so happy to have a Bishop who knows us and cares about us enough to help us through this awesome time in our lives.  We have been truly blessed to know this man and have him treat us with respect and love.

We have also been blessed to have our puppy, Izzy, in our lives.  She has brought out the maternal instincts in me and quenched a thirst that otherwise cannot be quenched.  We got her right around the time that I had had my third miscarriage in a year.  She has brought me joy that I cannot describe and I am so proud of my little baby.  LOL.

That is all for today!  Thanks for reading!  Love to our friends and family and I will write again soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Woot! Woot! Yay for blogs! Yay for Becki and Andrew!
