Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It seems like there may be an answer

So, lately I have been having all sorts of problems with dizziness and nausea.  Lightheadedness (is that a word?), fatigue, and my emotions are all sorts of crazy.  But, the doctors have finally narrowed it down to a couple different things.  It may be because I have not been sleeping well.  I fall asleep, but can't stay that way.  It may be because my thyroid is off, we'll know more on Friday when the tests come back.  Or, it may be early menopause.  Hello?  Crazy thought, huh?  But, a lot of the signs point to that.  Weird.  But, we will know when I get the test results.  Until then, I have medication to help me sleep and I have been told to decrease the amount of stress in my life.
Andrew has been great through this whole thing.  Patient with my outbursts of crying, understanding when I am so tired I can't do anything, and  willing to catch me when I am about to fall over because of the dizziness. 
I will keep everyone posted on this stuff, but I am sure that as soon as there is an answer, I will feel better.  Please keep us in your prayers for the job searches so that we can find something closer to our homes.  Love to all!

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